
Indie Comics Day

I did a video interview about Clucked and Heavenly Kibble Guardian Corgi at The Comic Bug’s inaugural Buy Indie Comics Day. Thank you so much for the interview, NerdSoul

It’s really odd seeing myself onscreen– even moreso than hearing my own voice when I do podcast interviews. “Buy Indie Comics Day is an international, annual event to celebrate the indie, local, and small press creators pushing comics into the next millennium!”

It was an amazing event– I got to catch up with a lot of my SoCal indie comics maker buddies, and meet new ones as well.

Special thanks to Russell Nohelty of Wannabe Press for organizing the event, and thanks to Mike Wellman of The Comic Bug for hosting it!

New Comics Work: Clarence and Lumberjanes

Super excited– two new BOOM! titles I worked on are out this month:

If you end up getting them from your local comic stores, please let me know what you think!


Ladybugs Anthology #1

I’m really excited to finally announce the first anthology I’ve ever been a part of, presented by The Comic Bug! This anthology features work created by the members of the Los Angeles Women’s Comic Creators League.

The Ladybugs Anthology – Coming SOON!The Los Angeles Women’s Comic Creators League (aka The Lady Bugs) is an open group of women comic book enthusiasts and creators. Their primary mission is to create a safe space for women to share projects, make f…

The Ladybugs Anthology – Coming SOON!

The Los Angeles Women’s Comic Creators League (aka The Lady Bugs) is an open group of women comic book enthusiasts and creators. Their primary mission is to create a safe space for women to share projects, make friends, and most importantly, HAVE FUN! Stay up-to-date on the Lady Bugs on Facebook!

I am a proud member of the group, and am really excited to have a 7 page story named Test Day in the anthology! The book will be a 138 page trade paperback– black and white with color covers. It’ll feature art, stories, and illustrations by over 17 lady creators with themes ranging from sci-fi to slice of life.

The anthology will be going on sale in about a month’s time (sometime between late March and mid April), but I am currently accepting pre-orders for it! The cost will be $15.00 USD, plus shipping if you need me to mail it to you.

If you’d like to pre-purchase a copy, click here to place your order using my account! It’s pre-loaded to be $20 ($15 + Shipping) but if you see me in person regularly you can change the amount to $15 to skip the shipping costs. Be sure to put in the Notes that it’s for the Ladybugs Anthology.

I am only accepting pre-orders until Thursday, February 25, so act fast!! I will have some copies I’m ordering to sell, but there’s no guarantee I’ll have enough if you wait!

Happy New Year!

So 2015 was quite an interesting year for me. There were fantastic ups and some truly awful downs. I had some money woes, drama, health issues, and intense career frustrations… but I’d rather not dwell on the negative when I had so many positives, too!

This was my second year as a full time freelancer, and I managed to significantly expand my client base. I did another album cover, worked on two different card games, a miniatures games, and a classic tabletop RPG. I painted backgrounds for an animated short with a long distance studio, and that was fun! I also got my first licensing deal (it’s jewelry… and it comes out next year! Squee!)

In education, I spent most of the year enrolled in Chris Oatley’s OALive class, now known as the Storyteller Summit. I learned quite a lot about storytelling and writing in general which led an amazing chance to pitch in writing a movie script, too! I made a lot of awesome friends in OALive, including the amazing comics group, Team Space Bear!

I revamped my website, and launched an entirely new comics-centric one, which was exciting because I’ve always wanted a place to focus on my cartoon work. It also helped me solidify my online branding.

Comics-wise, I published Guardian Corgi #2, and have two more comics in progress currently (one’s a 22 page one shot, and the other is a longer format). I finally got my first comic onto Comixology, which means I can now sell comics from three different platforms! I also have a brand new webcomic, Clucked, that I work on with Joel. It’s gonna launch in about 2 weeks!

I was a guest at the Norwegian comics convention Stribefeber, which was AMAZING! I absolutely LOVE that country, and really hope I can return again in this year.

I also became part of the amazing community that is The Comic Bug. It’s fantastically supportive and full of fun people. The Los Angeles Womens Comic Creator League is also now a group I’m a part of, and I contributed to their anthology that comes out this year.

Rounding things out, I’ve started adding more Pro notches to my belt– I’ve started doing colorist jobs for BOOM! Studios, and my first job was coloring an OGN that comes out in a few months!

I’ve got some solid goals figured out to shoot for this year both for leveling up my art skills, and expanding my business. Plus, I’ve lined up some conventions I’m REALLY excited about, including a of Pro Table at Emerald City Comic Con! My main goal is to create tons of comics! I am SO ready!!

In my personal life I got to go on some fun adventures including going to Mexico, spent a good amount of time enjoying Oregon (including Portland), had my bestie Prentice visit me in LA, and got my mom out to the West Coast. I also saw Weird Al and Tim Minchin in concert, and I finally got to the Getty!

Oh and I turned 30, I guess.

I made new friends, and had insanely good times with my current ones. I moved across LA, and in with Joel. It’s been a real wild ride.

So here’s to 2016! Happy New Year! I’m excited to see what adventures it holds! May your new year be amazing!

Comikaze 2015!

Alright Comikze, let's do this!


All set up and ready to go at table F16 at Comikaze! Don’t forget that Clucked will have its exclusive preview here this weekend! Get one while supplies last.

The crew is  at Comikaze this weekend at the Los Angeles Convention Center– check us out at Table F16 to get your very own exclusive Clucked Preview Comic and a promo button. We will also have plenty of other fine comics and prints for your perusing pleasure– plus CANDY because it’s Halloween, of course!

Be there or be… chicken?

New Comic: Clucked


The egg finally has hatched! Announcing Clucked, a new weekly webcomic by and Joel Foster and I that’s coming in January 2016!

When a chicken lands on Earth in search of kin, he discovers that not only is his kind considered the tastiest thing in the universe… he’s also the only one left. Can he survive the hungering hordes, cosmic chases and entirety of the Galactic Federation long enough to save his homeworld?

We work together to incubate the story. Then Joel writes, and I create the art. It’s been in production for a few months, and they hope it’ll tickle your funny bones (or chicken wings… so to speak).

What’s even more exciting is that there’ll be an exclusive printed preview of the comic available for sale at Stan Lee’s Comikaze Expo Oct 30-Nov 1 at the Los Angeles Convention Center! There’s a limited number of copies, but you’ll get to read the beginning of the comic a full two months before anyone else!

Hold onto your nugz, because it’s gonna be a wild ride!

Stribefeber 2015

So I’ve been a little quiet recently because I’ve been traveling a lot– first I was in Atlanta, GA for about two weeks for Dragon*Con, and then Stribefeber Comics Convention in Kristiansand, Norway directly afterward.


Talk about a lot of flying– getting from Los Angeles to Norway took me about 24 hours of travel or so. My body had absolutely no idea what day or time it was! Stay up until 4:30 AM, you say? Sure! It’s only midnight somewhere!


The convention invited me to be a Guest Speaker, and I was honored that they’d choose me for the job. Stribefeber (sorta translates to Comic Strip Fever) is a small show located in the city of Kristiansand, which is on the southern coast of Norway …which means that I wasn’t completely freezing, so hooray for that!


The show lasted Friday-Sunday, and during that time I got to meet a lot of talented European artists and exchange work with them: Chris Stonehill from the UK, Silje Camilla Pilla from Norway, Mathias Dønnestad, and so many, many more. I took part in an interview with the fantastic Michael Prince which was quite challenging and fun, helped Nicolas Villareal out with his weekend-long Visual Development workshop, and also talked a bit about role models for girls/women to introduce the documentary WONDERWOMEN! The untold story of American Superheroines.


Outside of the convention, I got to do a bit of sightseeing, and visited the fantastic Artist Island just off the coast called Odderøya. It used to be a military defense island, but in recent times it’s been given by the government to local artists to house their studios and art projects. Street artists’ work can be seen absolutely everywhere. The island also features some old WWII bunkers (which were REALLY cool), one of which has been transformed into a secret library.


We also visited a district of Kristiansand called Posebyen, which houses the only remaining wooden buildings in the city from before a big fire many decades ago. I think it was 1920 something? Jetlag Brain could not remember the date. Whoops. Anyway, they are considered a treasure so there are many restrictions on painting and remodeling. All of their backyards are butted up to one another too, which creates a lovely interior garden!

Norwegians are an extremely friendly bunch, and I felt completely welcome and comfortable during my entire stay. The country itself is beautiful, and I was quite shocked at how much they support and foster culture and arts.

I had a wonderful time at the convention, and made tons of friends. I look forward to going back to that beautiful country again someday soon!

THANK YOU, NORWAY! (And a special thanks to my friends Ingunn and Charlotte for housing and caring for me all weekend. They are delightful hosts!) <3

Summer Vacation


As a freelancer, it’s very difficult to take time off– if you don’t work, you aren’t getting paid (!). That said, it’d been forever since I’d had a real break, so our sojourn into the beautiful wilds of Oregon was LONG overdue! One fantastic road trip later, we had the rocky Oregon Coast and ridiculous tourist traps in our grips


Any road trip is made more complete by visiting: 1) a cheese factory, 2) a brewery, and 3) a lighthouse. We checked all of those things off our lists, and added some other fanciness such as an aquarium, giant concrete dinosaurs, the diviest of dive bars, a sideways gravity house, 4th of July fireworks in a lovely seaside fishing town, and some tar pits to really round things off.


.We spent some time at a sunny lakeside cabin and took my corgi Rylee swimming. Well… “swimming” is a rather loose term as once she actually makes it into the water with an incredibly clumsy splash, she paddles with her tiny stump legs and locks you with a panicked look as she wiggles back to shore.

All in all, it was a fantastic trip and I’m all rested up (and sporting ridiculous tan lines) for the rest of the year’s convention season!