I am a part of Aspen's Halloween ComicFest's issue again this year!
Aspen's HWCF 2017 Cover by Simone Di Meo
"Aspen Comics' jam-packed, activity-filled, absolutely free coloring book returns... but, this time with a TWIST, and a whole gang of Aspen Animals ready to usher in a new era of fun! Readers can Choose Your Own Adventure in this time-spanning, fantasy realm-busting and speed-bursting new interactive tale! The Aspen Universe has been split into three and it's up to Aspen readers to help guide our hero creatures to safety and unite these worlds back together, all in one exciting coloring book!" - HalloweenComicFest.com
I did pencils and inks for one of the story branches in this choose your own adventure-style comic, which, I gotta say, is a pretty cool concept. I read a ton of those books as a kid, and loved them. Ah, the 90s. In addition, if you've followed my art for even five minutes you'll probably have figured out that I love drawing animals, so a title featuring just animal characters had me super jazzed.
And what is Halloween ComicFest, you may ask? Well, they made a handy video to explain it so that I don't have to!
This book will be available for FREE at your local comic book shop on October on Saturday, October 28. Make sure you get one for yourself!